Old Court Gardener's House

Part of the former palace nursery

Figurative mark


Old Court Gardener's House

The Old Court Gardener's House was built for Court Gardener Christian Daniel Friedrich Klett. He received the property as a gift from the Grand Duke. It is an essential part of the former palace nursery with its preserved structural facilities.

Back then

In 1839, Grand Duke George Adolph commissioned the construction of the Court Gardener's House from Demmler, which was completed in 1840. The later Court Garden Director Theodor Klett used the surrounding garden both to supply his own family and to cultivate rare roses and perennials.


The one-and-a-half-story residence with a hipped roof is crowned by a centrally located, two-story rounded gable with an inscribed column arrangement topped by a tympanum. It marks the representative entrance and designates the building as the residence of a court official.

Source: welterbe-schwerin.de

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Schloßgartenallee 2
19061 Schwerin
Old Court Gardener's House
Air-Panorama Schweriner Schloss