Diakonie Westmecklenburg Schwerin gGmbH

Care, support, and nursing

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Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is the most beautiful federal state, and the most wonderful people live here. We can judge that because we deal with people every day. With small and big people, with young and old people. We meet them and their families in daycares, schools, residential and nursing facilities, and through many services for people in need of assistance.

“Growing up” in Diakonie WMSN
Children are unique personalities. It is important for us to take them seriously, and to treat them with respect, dignity, and appreciation. The focus of our work in the 18 daycare centers is on each child with their abilities and needs. To accompany and support each one empathetically and competently, our educational professionals have diverse training.

“Active learning” in Diakonie WMSN
Two schools with primary and orientation levels offer students an optimal start to their school career with a modern teaching and learning concept based on Montessori pedagogy. The Weinberg School, with a focus on intellectual development, lives by its motto: “Every person is unique – we accept them.” The Evangelical Nursing School in Schwerin is the oldest of its kind in M-V and caters to young adults and people already established in their careers. They are prepared competently and committedly for work in nursing, which requires a special level of responsibility and high professional qualification.

“Aging” in Diakonie WMSN
For us, working in nursing is a matter of the heart. Shaping the later stages of life, dealing with health, and addressing age-related and crisis-related needs are essential aspects of our care philosophy. In four residential nursing facilities and additional care services, we accompany people and stand by their side.

“Participating” in Diakonie WMSN
With our workshops, residential, counseling, and support services for “Social Participation” and “Participation in Work,” we aim to ensure that people with disabilities or mental illnesses are not disadvantaged. An inclusive society, where all people have equal opportunities and rights, is still a vision. We want to live this vision and make it a bit more tangible.

The UFERFEST in Rampe
Once a year, at the end of May, we invite the public to celebrate a big family festival with us: The UFERFEST at the edge of Lake Schwerin has a long tradition. Every year, it delights young and old with an artistic stage program, creative stalls on the festival meadow, and a variety of culinary delights. See UFERFEST 2024 on YouTube. Just join us! We look forward to your visit!

In all areas and facilities of the corporate network, people engage for whom the job is more than a necessary evil for life balance. They live the diaconal idea - being there to help others - for which we are grateful and proud! Check out our YouTube channel to see what employees have to say about it!


Maybe you are interested: With us, (m/f/d) teachers, educational support staff, caregivers, integration assistants, nursing professionals, nursing assistants, curative education professionals, occupational therapists, staff in psychosocial assistance, participation specialists and group service helpers, social-psychiatric and social-pedagogical professionals, social workers, professionals for work and vocational promotion, vocational education staff, accountants, office clerks, IT specialists, janitors, housekeeping and cleaning staff ... maybe soon you too?

Feel free to visit our website: www.diakonie-wmsn.de and follow us on Facebook!

Associated locations (1)

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Salädchen – Salad Bar, Basket and Chair Weaving Workshop, Creative Workshop
DWMS: Where living and working are enjoyable!
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Artenschutz ganz groß
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Willkommen in der Hoftheke
Neu Zippendorf • Die „Hoftheke“ ist eröffnet. Das neue gastronomische Angebot befindet sich im nördlichen ...
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Handwerk hilft Kids
Lewenberg • Mattis Redder ist einer von neun Mitarbeitern in der Kinderorthopädie beim STOLLE Sanitätshaus. ...
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Neues Ausbildungsjahr bei der Sparkasse Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Schwerin • Die Sparkasse begrüßt neun neue Auszubildende. In den kommenden drei Jahren werden sie ...
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Abrechnung der Betriebskosten im August
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Tierisch bunte Fassade
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Salate und mehr to go
Schwerin • Die Diakonie Westmecklenburg-Schwerin betreibt neben Kitas, Schulen, Wohn- und Pflegeeinrichtungen auch die Salat- ...
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Retgendorfer Straße 4
19067 Leezen
Diakonie Westmecklenburg Schwerin gGmbH