Greenhouse with Kavaliershaus

Picturesquely grouped building complex

Figurative mark


Greenhouse with Kavaliershaus

From 1838 to 1845, Peter Joseph Lenné visited Schwerin four times to redesign the castle garden on behalf of the Grand Duke. In the extensive landscape park planned by him and realized by Theodor Klett, the Greenhouse with its conservatory, as well as the Kavaliershaus, lies in the middle of the English Garden planned by Lenné.

According to the decree of Grand Duchess Alexandrine of Mecklenburg, the residential building located on the northeastern edge of the castle garden, also called the Greenhouse, was to be reserved for social purposes. The picturesque group of buildings forming the Greenhouse creates an impressive focal point at the northeastern edge of the castle garden. Together with the Kavaliershaus opposite, it forms an impressive architectural ensemble and also marks the significant urban transition into the villa district of the castle garden area. The two-story freestanding solid building of the Kavaliershaus was built in 1839 based on designs by court architect Georg Adolph Demmler, directly opposite and as a complement to the Greenhouse, which had been built a few years earlier. Demmler designed a clearly structured building in a classical architectural style, with its western narrow side facing the street and the Greenhouse.

At that time

After the government moved to Schwerin, Carl Heinrich Wünsch was commissioned by the Grand Duke in 1838 to build a private palace as a summer residence in the middle of the new landscape park near the old castle. In 1840, Georg Adolf Demmler received the commission to build the Kavaliershaus opposite the Greenhouse.


The two-story palace with a single-story banquet hall features forms of southern ruling villas and characterizes the Greenhouse as a private domicile and summer residence of the grand ducal family with hosting obligations. Formerly connected to the Kavaliershaus by an iron bridge, it stood as a symbol of the cosmopolitan nature of its residents.

Source: Welterbe

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