Court supplier Uhle

A building of reform architecture

Figurative mark


The building at 1 Enge Straße is a three-story, plastered solid structure with a longitudinal rectangular floor plan. The rounded corner on the ground floor and first floor opens the building to the street and relates it to both streets. The varied design of the building stems from the formal language of reform architecture, making it, along with the state archive, one of the most modern buildings in the Schwerin residence ensemble.

The adjacent four-story building on Schusterstraße features a neoclassical plaster facade, which was constructed at the end of the 19th century. The six-axis facade is adorned with robustly profiled cornices and friezes with dentil molding.

In 1751, Duke Christian Ludwig II appointed the Weinhaus Uhle as a court supplier. The building complex of Weinhaus Uhle is situated on a plot between Schusterstraße and Erste Enge Straße.

The front door, like the hallway behind it, dates back to an early renovation phase in the 20th century. A vine-leaf console in the transom window hints at the building’s use as a wine supplier. The roof of the building on Schusterstraße is a gently sloping gable roof, while the corner building features a mansard roof covered with tiles.

The floor plan structures are largely preserved, as is a significant portion of the interior furnishings, reflecting the various usage phases. The historic dining rooms on the ground floor, with wooden wall paneling and a barrel-vaulted ceiling, are as impressive as the so-called Knights’ Hall on the first floor. The elaborate wall and ceiling design feature over two-meter-high paneled wall panels. The wall design is in the style of the Neo-Renaissance and is divided by fields with stucco framing. The leaded glass windows are adorned with the coats of arms of Mecklenburg towns.


Ganz in der Nähe

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Schusterstr. 15
19055 Schwerin
Court supplier Uhle
Air-Panorama Schweriner Schloss