Ministerial Hotel / Mint

From Minting Facility to Ministerial Hotel

Figurative mark


Ministerial Hotel / Mint

One of the most representative buildings in the continuous row of houses on the east side of Münzstraße is the former mint, later known as the Ministerial Hotel. The building only received its representative neoclassical form through the renovation carried out by state architect Ludwig August Bartning in 1828/29. Under the direction of master builder Hermann Willebrand in 1855, it was expanded into the office and residence of the respective Mecklenburg state ministers, hence it was later referred to as the "Ministerial Hotel." Despite its high-ranking significance and function, the building blends harmoniously into the relatively small-scale development of the surroundings due to the well-proportioned facade design. Today, the building, with its representative hall, is owned by the North Church.

Back then

In 1778, the representative building, originally constructed as a residence, was converted into the official mint of Mecklenburg-Schwerin by order of Duke Friedrich. Between 1828 and 1829, Ludwig August Bartning, grand ducal architect under Grand Duke Friedrich Franz, gave the mint its current appearance to meet the increased technical needs. After minting operations ceased in 1850, Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II had the palace converted by Hermann Willebrand from 1855 to 1858 into the residence of the respective state ministers. The upper church council also received rooms in the ministerial palace on Münzstraße.


The seven-axis, two-story palace with the three-story entrance towers on the sides received its rusticated facade in the base area during the early 19th-century renovation.


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Münzstr. 8-10
19053 Schwerin
Ministerial Hotel / Mint
Air-Panorama Altstädtischer Markt