Minister's Palace

Representative estate for the Privy Council

Figurative mark


On Königsstraße, now known as Pushkinstraße, lies the representative former Grand Ducal Ministerial Palace, located opposite the Brandenstein Palace, with its rear side opening onto a largely preserved courtyard.

The glazier Schwede built the house in 1873. Since 1783/85, Count Bernhard Friedrich von Bassewitz was the owner of the estate, described as a "house with an adjoining wing, wood and horse stables, and a coach shed." By purchasing two adjacent properties, it was expanded into a representative residence. The elegance of this residence defines the appearance of today’s palace. Since around 1820, the estate has been in Grand Ducal ownership. After a major renovation and the addition of a large hall facing the courtyard, it was designated as the official residence of the Chamber President. From the mid-19th century onwards, various government ministers resided here. In 1896, the representative estate was fundamentally modernized into a palace for the "Privy Council," the Prime Minister of the state.

About the style

The nine-bay, two-story half-timbered palace features two prominent, double-bay mansard structures in its roof zone. The structure of the individual houses is still visible in the half-timbered facade. The preserved enclosed courtyard of the complex emphasizes the representative character of an urban noble estate and later Grand Ducal Ministerial Palace.


Ganz in der Nähe

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Puschkinstr. 6
19055 Schwerin
Minister's Palace
Air-Panorama Pfaffenteich