
Statue of Nando kallweit, 2011

Figurative mark


At this beautiful spot, there used to stand the wooden dragon Nandolino – a focal point for both adults and especially children. He was the Schwerin Lucky Dragon. Would you like to get to know Nandolino? Do you want to learn more about him? Then let's go!

Green and large with sharp teeth
It is important to mention,
that this dragon is funny
and measures a whole seven meters.

Built from wood,
painted brightly,
he adorned the Pfaffenteich
and enticed with a friendly face
especially children into his realm.

He was created in 2011
by Nando Kallweit's carving hand,
dragon boats raced on the water,
the dragon himself –
he remained on land.

First, he left his place
for the urgent purpose of restoration,
in 2016 for the new dragon boat race,
he returned –
to his old position.

Whether for climbing, for a photo,
as a mascot or guard:
He was a multitasker,
the brave dragon.

Now, however, after more years
Nandolino faced many dangers,
The dragon was full of flaws and scars,
which could spoil the fun of playing.

Now he is gone – but Nandolino will come back,
Nando Kallweit has a new model in mind.
Made of concrete and bronze, he would be really sturdy
And the artist is eager for it.

Now a large number of donations are needed,
the return of the dragon lies in your hands.

Of course, the popular dragon sculpture should return to the Pfaffenteich. The cultural office, city council, and some companies in Schwerin are strongly advocating for it.
Anyone who wants to learn more or even donate should best send an email to

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Arsenalstraße 10
19053 Schwerin
Air-Panorama Pfaffenteich