Officers' Mess

A jewel with a view of the castle

Figurative mark


Since 1900, the Officers' Casino has stood majestically on the Ostorfer Berg, overlooking the baroque cascade of lawns and marking the end of the main axis of the castle garden. Directly opposite is the castle itself. The lavishly adorned Officers' Mess marks the midpoint between the Old and New Artillery Barracks. This was where the Imperial German Army troops were stationed.

Between 1897 and 1900, Oscar Wutsdorff, Chief Architect of the Prussian War Ministry, took charge of planning and overseeing the construction of the new barracks in Schwerin. Despite the task of building a barracks for the Empire, Wutsdorff managed to combine elements of the regionally relevant architectural style with the requirements of an Imperial Prussian appearance, in coordination with Schwerin's ruler, Johann Albrecht. The result was a barracks complex that has endured to this day as one of the few in Germany. After World War II, the Officers' Casino was used by the Soviet Army, as evidenced by the Soviet stars on the iron entrance gates. Following the withdrawal of the troops in 1992, the Officers' Casino passed into private ownership, stood empty, and fell into disrepair. In 2012, the Hydraulik Nord group acquired the area and began extensive restoration work in May 2015. Today, the historic building houses reception, consulting, and office spaces.

Abou the style 

Constructed like a Neo-Renaissance villa, the front facade of the Officers' Mess faces towards Schwerin Castle. Its distinctive feature at the right corner is a flanking tower, whose belvedere is accessible via a spiral staircase. From here, the tower offers a comprehensive panoramic view. The facades are adorned with terracottas and decorative bricks. Above the arched windows, the forms in the center depict the Prussian eagle, adorned with the imperial crown. It is flanked by the Mecklenburg coat of arms shields with a griffin and a bull, crowned by the ducal hat. The decorative gable features additional elaborately crafted coat of arms shields.

Ganz in der Nähe

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Johannes-Stelling-Straße 19
19053 Schwerin
Officers' Mess