The Pfaffenteich

From Mill to Promenade

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One of Schwerin's nine lakes is located in the center of the city and is lined by wide promenades: the Pfaffenteich. It covers about 12 hectares of the city and is about 2.80 meters deep. Several objects of the potential World Heritage ensemble stand on its shores and bear witness to a self-confident, lively history of government in the grand-ducal residential city.

After Grand Duke Paul Friedrich took over the reins of government, the Pfaffenteich was redesigned to its present form from 1840. The plans for this were drawn up by the architect Georg Adolph Demmler. The pond was filled in, the shores were fortified and four magnificent promenades were laid out, making the pond a popular destination for walks even then.
The water of the Aubach was dammed up by embanking to form today's Spieltordamm in the north. As early as 1178, it was used to operate a count's mill at the level of Schloßstraße and a bishop's mill on the Aubach. The decision to canalize and the creation of this prestigious site was a basic prerequisite for the expansion of the city into prosperity and modernity.

Today, the Pfaffenteich is an attraction for many walkers in the city. You can linger on benches, look at some statues such as the umbrella children or gaze at the water and the fountain from the café. The city festivals are, of course, less tranquil - the dragon boat festival, which lasts several days, is particularly popular, when the Pfaffenteich no longer has anything to do with calm waters, but becomes a race track for numerous teams.

The Pfaffenteich area has a convincing overall urban concept. This impression is supported by a uniform, yet in parts differentiated architectural language of the many representative buildings.
Commissioned by the Grand Duke Paul Friedrich, several buildings were erected for the services of the court and the employees working there. On the southern shore are the residence of Georg Adolph Demmler and the Commandant's House, also built by Demmler. 
To the east is the Gymnasium Fridericianum, which Friedrich Franz II had built to educate future civil servants. The Arsenal and the Grand Ducal Office Building are on the opposite side. Behind them, the Church of St. Paul rises on a hill in the Paulsstadt, with a visual axis from the banks of the Pfaffenteich to the church. This was uncovered during the construction of the church to create the visual relationship. With its representative buildings, the Pfaffenteich still invites visitors to take a stroll.

Ganz in der Nähe

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Umbrella Children
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Broken One
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August-Bebel-Straße 100
19055 Schwerin
The Pfaffenteich
Air-Panorama Pfaffenteich