Equestrian Statue of Friedrich Franz II

Statue in granite and bronze by Ludwig Brunow, 1893

Figurative mark


Taking credit for someone else's work is not a good thing. But that's exactly what happened. What else could painter Carl Suhrlandt, who had once made a sketch for the equestrian statue, say besides "Hey, that was my idea!” In fact, artist Ludwig Brunow presented three different sketches in 1884 - and one of them was clearly inspired by the first sketch by painter Suhrlandt. 
The artist intended to depict "the Grand Duke in the most outstanding of his attributes, as a commander, on horseback". Well, this design was taken. So, the monument can now stand in the palace garden. The artist, Ludwig Brunow, never gave himself the embarrassment of admitting that he had stolen the idea. On the contrary: the monument measures nine meters in its full size, showing scholars, followers and all kinds of clutter. And the artist did not miss the opportunity to immortalize himself. Per Aspera Ad Astra. Through the rough to the stars.

Ludwig Brunow

Ludwig Brunow was born in Lutheran in 1843 and died in Berlin-Schöneberg on 13 January 1913. As a child, the later artist had to work as a shepherd boy, but diligently caught up on his schooling. 
He first did a carpentry apprenticeship in Lübz, worked as a journeyman in Rostock and also took drawing lessons there. Later, he attended the sculpture class at the Bauakademie in Berlin. When his talent was recognized there, he changed to the Academy of Arts. Ludwig Brunow created monuments, fountains and sculptures using various stones, bronze and copper. In 1876 he was awarded the "Great Medal" of the World Exhibition in Philadelphia and the Cross of Merit of the House Order of the Wendish Crown of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in gold. In 1893 he received the Knight's Cross and was appointed "Grand Ducal Professor". He then withdrew from major works and dissolved his studio.

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