Castle Church

Influenced by tradition and change at the same time

Figurative mark


The present-day Castle Church has two predecessors and has undergone a change of location. Furthermore, it has reinvented itself in terms of architectural style and music several times. Today, the Castle Church belongs to the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and the state parliament is responsible for its structural maintenance.

The Castle Church has always been connected to the castle – formerly the Schwerin Castle – and the first church was commissioned by Duke Heinrich, located in the southwestern area of the castle. Completed in the late Gothic style in 1507, its vaults collapsed just seven years later, necessitating a new construction. Duke Johann Albrecht I. decided to rebuild it in 1560, but on the opposite side, the northern side of the castle. Construction was completed three years later, incorporating Renaissance style elements. One of the inspirations for this church was the church in Hartenfels Castle in Torgau, inaugurated by Martin Luther. Further changes occurred until the present appearance of the Schlosskirche. Four different organs were used throughout its history. The first one was installed in 1602, rebuilt more than 70 years later, and eventually relocated to a church in Redefin over 200 years later. In 1855, the Castle Church received its second organ, built by Friedrich Friese III, which now resides in Groß Trebow. Marcus Runge built the third organ for the Castle Church in 1912, but visitors to the church today do not hear this instrument. It was only in 1950 that the current organ, constructed by the Potsdam organ builder Schuke, was installed in the Castle Church.

Late Gothic, Renaissance, Neogothic – various styles converge in the Castle Church

Apart from the musical changes, the Castle Church underwent renovations: Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II had it redesigned in the mid-19th century in the Neo-Gothic style, enlisting the Cologne Cathedral architect Ernst Friedrich Zwirner for the task. The choir extension was added, adorned with magnificent stained glass windows and a gallery on the south side. The Castle Church was reconsecrated in 1855.

Upon entering the church, visitors will discover a triumphal arch connecting the choir and the old chapel. The church ceiling is designed as a net vault and displays exactly 8758 golden stars on a blue background. Since 2005, sponsorships for these stars have been available – from individuals, associations, and families. Even the former President of Germany, Joachim Gauck, has one. This initiative raised almost 500,000 euros in donations, which were invested in the renovation of the castle. The "Buy a Star from the Sky" campaign has since ended. Stars without sponsors are awarded exclusively on special occasions by the protocol of the Landtag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

At the end of the 19th century, the five choir windows were reglazed, the original altar was replaced and is now in the museum. However, aside from that, churchgoers today experience everything just as it was back then. Thus, in the Castle Church, tradition and change converge. The entire ambiance of the castle adds to the experience – visitors will discover many things.

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Lennéstraße 1
19053 Schwerin
Castle Church
Air-Panorama Schweriner Schloss